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Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Executive Board

I want to take a minute to welcome the 2019-2020 SNPhA executive board! 
Please join me in congratulating our new e-board!

President: Oriana Napoleon
President-Elect: Andrew Romero
Vice President: Jazmin Lopez
Secretary: Mor
Treasurer: Sonya Sial
Webmaster: Phil Kwon
Chronic Kidney Disease Chair: Julianne Marie Torres Albizu
Legislative Chair: Diane Lim
Mental Health Chair: Alex Antolak
Operation Immunization Chairs: Gabriel A. Nazario and Lynda Azubuike
Diabetes Chair: Tia Phillips
Power to End Stroke Chair: Matt Somppii
Remember the Ribbon Chair: Javy Navarrete
P1 Liasion: TBD (Class of 2023)

Congratulations everyone! We are excited to see what next year has in store for you all! 🤩😍❤️

2019 Kickin' Asthma Training

2019 Kickin' Asthma Training

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On April 16th, SNPhA and PDC partnered with the American Lung Association to become Kickin' Asthma educators! We had a great turn out! We look forward to volunteering at different elementary schools in the upcoming future and teaching students about asthma! We now have 24 trained asthma educators! 

On April 16th, SNPhA and PDC partnered with the American Lung Association to become Kickin' Asthma educators! We had a great turn out! We look forward to volunteering at different elementary schools in the upcoming future and teaching students about asthma! We now have 24 trained asthma educators! 

2019 All School Research Consortium  

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On March 20th a few of our SNPhA members participated in the 14th Anual All School Research Consortium to inform everyone about their summer research! 

It was a big moment for our members since our Operation Immunization Chair Brisilda Bylykbashii won the best poster and our Diabetes Chair Yelena Sahakian won the best talk! Congrats SNPhAM! 

On March 20th a few of our SNPhA members participated in the 14th Anual All School Research Consortium to inform everyone about their summer research! 

It was a big moment for our members since our Operation Immunization Chair Brisilda Bylykbashii won the best poster and our Diabetes Chair Yelena Sahakian won the best talk! Congrats SNPhAM! 

Elections are Just Around the Corner!

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We sent out an email informing all of our members about the upcoming elections and what they can look forward to the rest of this month! We have a lot of events planned and are looking forward to seeing the interest of the P1s and P2s continue to grow!

2019 SNPhA Regional Conference  


Despite being the weekend before final exams, on February 9th three of our SNPhA members, Shayda Ashraf, Oriana Napoleon and Jeremy Locquiao made the 327 mile journey to attend SNPhA's Regional Conference in Sandusky Ohio on the same day! We were able to meet members from other chapters and present our resolution in front of the Region I, II and III schools! We are so excited to announce that our resolution passed and we are looking forward to presenting our resolution at the National Conference at the end of July in Houston Texas!

2018-2019 SNPhA T-Shirt Designs 

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We are excited to announce that our SNPhA T-shirt designs are completed and approved!

We decided to do something a little different this year and create two different designs, with two different colors and two different styles. The sign up sheet for these unique SNPhA shirts will be sent out in the next week. We are very excited to see our colleagues sport our very own designs coinciding with the theme from last year as well as the current year! 

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Go Red for Women

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February 1st is "Go Red for Women", a national day created and honored by the American Heart Association. This day is designed to increase women's heart health by raising awareness for change to improve the lives or women worldwide. 

It’s no longer just about wearing red; it’s no longer just about sharing heart health facts. It’s about all women making a commitment to stand together with Go Red and taking charge of their own heart health as well as the health of those they can’t bear to live without. Making a commitment to your health isn’t something you have to do alone either, so grab a friend or a family member and make a Go Red Healthy Behavior Commitment today. 





HIV Treatment and Prevention in 2018 Presentation 

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In honor of World Aids Day, our chapter at RFUMS teamed up with the Wisconsin Student Pharmacy Association (WSPA) and hosted our very own pharmacy faculty member Dr. Cottreau on December 11th. Dr. Cottreau spoke about "HIV treatment and prevention in 2018" and it was a wonderful turn out. We had many first, second- and third-year students as well as faculty members join us to learn more about what the treatment and prevention is for HIV/AIDs in 2018 and possibly in the future.

We hosted Dr. Cottreau last year and we hope to continue having her support and her presentations for years to come! 

Holiday Hot Cocoa Mason Jar Fundraiser 

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This year, we decided to create a new fundraiser and we called it Holiday Hot Cocoa Jars!  The fundraiser was about two weeks long and it was a HUGE success. Faculty, staff and students were able to purchase these holiday hot cocoa jars for each other or as a gift for those back home! We sold over 300 jars!

We are very thankful for all the support we have received and we will certainly be making this fundraiser a holiday tradition! 

SNPhA Welcomes Dr. Meron Mezgebe for American Pharmacist Month


On October 15th, we had the wonderful opportunity to host Dr. Meron Mezgebe on our campus. 

Dr. Mezgebe talked about the roles of a pharmacist in the world of Industry pharmacy. 

The presentation was very educational and helpful for those leading down the road of industry. 

We are very thankful to host Dr. Mezgebe! 

Post Biochem Exam Treats

Last Friday the P1 class had their first biochem exam of the year! That means there was a lot of blood, sweat and maybe some tears poured into preparation. In order to brighten their day SNPhA decided to get them a little treat to help sweeten their day.

We camped outside of their classroom and when they came out we gave them a congratulations gift. We attached the upcoming information for our next general body meeting as well as attached raffle tickets to each bar, at the next GBM anyone with the ticket is eligible to win some cool prizes! It was a indeed a hit! 

SNPhA Graduation Cords

During the final week of school when the P4 members were back on campus we gave them a little gift and wished them luck as we handed our seven P4 SNPhA members their graduation cords. Congratulations to Jasmine Woods, Stephanie Okoye, Jimena Resendiz, Mariah Pierce, Valentin Pacuraru, Dalia Aguilar and Athena Chukwu, you guys did it! They are all going to be amazing pharmacists and we are lucky to have them as our chapter's members! 

P3 Sendoff and Finals Week Gift Bags

We decided to try something new this year, we held a little fundraiser for finals week and to wish our P3s good luck while they move on to their APPE rotations. Overall, it was a huge success, everybody loved their treats and gift bags. We look forward to continuing this new tradition for many more years to come!

Crane High School - Ladies of Virtue Visit

We hosted eight girls from the Ladies of Virtue program at Crane High School in Chicago, IL on April 20th. It was a day full of touring the anatomy lab, games, and then showing them some of the cool things pharmacists do such as immunizations, IV compounding, checking prescriptions, and patient education. All the girls were very engaged and we all had a blast while they were here. We made new friends and we are certainly looking forward to seeing those girls again soon! 

SNPhA Regionals 2018

SNPhA regionals was being hosted by Xavier University and University of Louisiana at Monroe in New Orleans. We had a total of seven members attend the regional conference. The purpose of attending the conference was to learn how to better plan, organize, coordinate and execute activities and programs intended to serve the underserved community. It was a grueling 14 hour drive down but we were able to get down to New Orleans and enjoy the conference. While in New Orleans, we were able to meet other pharmacy students and learn how their chapters functioned and what worked and didn’t work for them. Not only were we able to meet students, we also had the chance to network with professors and national board members. We also had the opportunity to sit in on presentations and learn about different topics affecting pharmacy today. Overall it was a great learning experience and we were able to bring back plenty of new ideas to incorporate into our chapter.


Our first CAPs event was with Midwestern University.  We met up with them for a Gameworks social.  We got to know each other and talked about SNPhA.  We had shared ideas and discussed chapter operations.  It was a great time to network and share some great discussions.

Kicking off the year with our President-elect, Shayda leading her first general body meeting. It's great to see the transition!

We had a week long Red Ribbon Pin sale collaboration with PIHIG.  The money will be donated to the HIV/AIDs foundation. A great way to raise awareness and also give back!

SNPhA ended pharmacist month by providing a fact about pharmacy.

2017 Summer Research Poster Session

On October 18, the school hosted a Summer Research Poster Session. During the summer, students were matched to assist with faculty and conduct research projects. Featured are SNPhA members presenting their poster to the whole school. Jayna Sharma and Taylor Page had the winning poster, "Pharmacy Student Interest in Computer-Assisted Learning (CAL) for Pharmaceutical Calculations" The runner-up poster was , "Economic Impact of Caregiving for Dementia Patients" presented by Yelena Sahakian, Quyen Duong, Marshall Lee, Glenn Chanitthikul, and Mickey Hathuc.

2017 Quest for the Best Pharmathon

Every year during Pharmacist Month, Rho Chi hosts, "Quest for the Best Pharmathon."  This is the first year that SNPhAMs participated.  Representing SNPhA is, Shayda (P2), Jayna (P2), and Isaiah (P1).  Far left, Patrick and Isaiah were the first P1s to participate in Pharmathon history.  On the far right, SNPhAMs: Glenn, Marshall, Soyoung won the Pharmathon under the team name, Hoot! Hoot! Great job everyone!

2017 Fall Festival

SNPhA made an appearance at the first ever Fall Festival hosted by Dean Winnike.  Alumni from 2015 and 2016 came back to see the organizations that they were in are up to now.  Present students were able to connect with them to see what they are up since graduation. What a great event! 

SNPhA Welcomes Dr. Nicole Avant

We had invited Dr. Nicole Avant to talk about Microaggressions for Pharmacist Month.  The session is titled, "Implicit Bias Manifestations: Recognizing and Responding to Microaggression."  At our school, P2s and P3s are required to do Life Long Learning.  We are required to 8 hours per year with at least 1 hour in each of the quarter.  Life Long Learning is suppose to resemble continuing education where we would attend talks and seminars that contribute to us extending our education.  We are required to reflect after we attend the event. We were able to get Dr. Avant's session approved to be accounted towards 1 hour of continuing education.

Pharmacy 101


SNPhA and PDC featuring IPHO and ICHP hosted Pharmacy 101 for the second year to kick off Pharmacist Month.  We had created activities showcasing various roles pharmacists have in each field.  We opened it up to all the other programs to stop and learn about what a pharmacist can do for them!  Students from the medical school, nursing, PT, PA, and podiatry stopped by to participate.

2017 Kickin' Asthma Training

SNPhA partnered up with American Lung Association to provide training to students to be able to participate in the program called "Kickin' Asthma!" After students are trained, they will faciliate sessions at local schools to educate high school students about asthma.

Kickin' off 2017

We had our first general body meeting.  Future SNPhAMs met the e-board, learned about SNPhA and the exciting events that are planned for the year!

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