Want to Stay up to Date with the Most Recent Medication Recalls?

As student pharmacists it is very important to stay up to date with the most recent recalls, that way we can provide the education to our patients they deserve. Did you know that if you go to
https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls/ - You can sign up to get email and text updates on the most recent recalls!

On October 5, 2018, our chapter President, Shayda Ashraf, and President Elect, Vivian Tran, passed out the flyers that were previously made to all the students at Rosalind Franklin University. Being a student at an interprofessional university, it was important to target students from ALL programs. We teamed up with American Medical Association (AMA) and American Podiatric Medical Students Association (APMSA).
It is very important that all health professionals are registered to vote, not only to advocate for our profession but to ensure our patients get the care they deserve!
Prevention Week with APhA-ASP

We had students to send an email to our senators to advocate for Provider Status.